A Boutique Performance Experience! 

Celebrating 15 years of magical collaboration with the North Shore’s favourite musicians and artists including Michael Conway Baker, Gillian Hunt & Pandoras Vox, Clyde Mitchell & the Lions Gate Sinfonia, Pro Arté Centre, CatchingART Contemporary Ballet Theatre and esteemed invited guests (including choreographic improvisation with Michael Conway Baker & Astrid Sherman and viewing the fabulous Beverley Bagg in a coaching demonstration).

  • Where: Presentation House 333 Chesterfield Road, North Vancouver
  • When: Saturday 3rd November 7.30pm – 8.45pm
  • Tickets: By Donation (seats need to be reserved)

To reserve a ticket:  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/pro-arte-friends-roots-of-the-community-tickets-51364595889

If you cannot attend but would like to support the evening in a small way, still go through eventbrite, but  send us a note to release your seat booking.

As Pro Arte moves on to a new chapter full with passion and potential, we would so appreciate your support and encouragement at this evening of celebration and rebirth.  We are eager to share both our history and our future with you!
